Zimbabwe Hosting

WordPress Website Hosting Service

Website Hosting for Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe’s #1 host for business website hosting for best performance.

Are you a business based in Zimbabwe? – Then let us show you how your website hosting-based servers can help your website performance and SEO. Which will result in ranking higher on Google and getting more leads and boosting sales? We’ve hosted thousands of websites and our own website is hosted in Zimbabwe and around the world.

And you most probably found us on Google, because we rank in the top spots where the business is at!

Web Hosting Server is the lifeline of every website. It should be up and running 24/7.

How does Web hosting help Google?

You see, one of the ways to rank higher in Google is to have a fast loading website.

Think about it… what’s the purpose of Google? It’s to service users. To give them the best possible search results and do so in a user-friendly manner.

What will a user be looking for when they load up your website?

They will want to load up your website quickly. And by giving the user exactly what they want, Google will see this and increase your rankings.

Email Hosting

We provide email hosting for local businesses with a custom domain. If you would like this for your business, get in touch today.

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Up to 3x faster than competitors.



Powered by cPanel with linux.


Built with WordPress in mind.


99.9% UPTIME

We guarantee 99.9% uptime on our web hosting services and we take all efforts to provide you with a smooth hosting experience with us. It’s our obligation!


You get the best bandwidth speed to support your websites to run super-fast and Riley SEO is famous for its internal fast hosting services.



We use the latest servers in our datacentres situated around the globe and you can get the servers in the closest proximity to your business when buying hosting.



Our systems are well designed, and security is at its best. So, you can peacefully run your web hosting without having to worry about anything.

Zimbabwe’s Most Reliable Business Web Hosting

Common Web Hosting FAQs

What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is the service of storing data that keeps websites up and running for users. Every single website that is online has a host server, and almost all use a web host to manage that storage. Not all web hosts provide the same level of quality, though. Uptime, and data speed and quantity of transfer are the best measures of a host’s success. You can often pay more to get data transferred in higher quantities, faster. Most web hosts offer unlimited bandwidth and disk space at a speed that is perfectly fine for small-to-moderate sized businesses or individuals. For companies with burdensome websites, they may need to seek out a more advanced web host.

What is bandwidth?

Bandwidth is the amount of data that is accessed while viewing a website. Every time a user views a website, data is transferred, and the measurement of that transfer is bandwidth. In general, images, audio files and video files are higher in bandwidth than text. That means that if you have a more burdensome website in terms of bandwidth – if you have lots of video or streaming audio, for example – you have a higher bandwidth requirement than someone with a simple text-only website, or someone with only a few low-resolution images. Some web hosts offer unlimited bandwidth, and some place a cap on it.

How will I track my website visitors?

You can find out how many people visited your site through a number of different third party resources, such as Google Analytics or StatCounter. Some hosts provide easy ways to incorporate these tools into your website to start tracking, but some don’t give you any help in setup at all. It’s important that businesses install some sort of traffic counting tool on every page of a site and regularly decipher the data to make improvements to marketing and sales plans. For personal websites, traffic counters are merely tools of curiosity, but the numbers certainly are fun to keep an eye on!

What is a domain name?

A domain name is the actual name of a website, and every single website has a domain name. To obtain one, you need to purchase it through a domain registrar. Domains can cost anywhere from a few dollars a year to hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, based on the contract and popularity of the domain. Every domain name is actually pointing to an IP (Internet Protocol) address, which is a series of numbers. Because most people can’t remember 10 digits in perfect order, domain names serve as easily-remembered alias for visitors. Probably the best known domain name is google.com, and Google’s IP address is… which is easier for you to remember?

What is disk space and how much do I need?

Disk space refers to the total space available for a user to store files on at any time. Files may be any type – HTML, images, videos – and at any single given time, the total file size may not exceed the disk space. How much disk space you need is dependent on what type of media and interactions you’ll be hosting through your site. Your email account’s storage is also counted in disk space, so if you have large files that will sit in the account, that will boost your disk space needs. Remember that although you might not need much space now, you want wiggle room to expand and grow in the future, without switching hosts.

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